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Home Builders FirstSource
Builders FirstSource

Builders FirstSource is the nation’s largest supplier of structural building products, value-added components, and services to the professional market for new residential construction and repair and remodeling. Our focus is on providing unparalleled service to both large and small customers. Through investments in innovation and an unmatched portfolio of value-added products and manufacturing capabilities, we’re revolutionizing the homebuilding industry – outperforming today and transforming tomorrow.

Formed in 1998 and publicly traded on the NYSE (BLDR), Builders FirstSource has more than 500 distribution and manufacturing locations, a presence in 42 states and 86 of the top 100 Metropolitan Statistical Areas. Our nationwide team is equipped with the talent, local knowledge and industry expertise required to solve homebuilding challenges and streamline our customers' business – today. We’re also investing in tomorrow – continuously improving our business, strengthening our team and creating the next generation of breakthrough innovations that are transforming the homebuilding industry.

We’re also developing next-generation breakthroughs for transforming the home-building industry. Builders FirstSource Digital Tools provide homebuilders with greater transparency and control over their projects. Powered by Paradigm technology, this revolutionary suite of tools helps you accelerate the sales process, better engage homebuyers, and streamline construction. Let Builders FirstSource equip you to outperform today as we invest in new technologies and automation to help you transform tomorrow.

For more information, please go to our website.

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