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Home Broan-NuTone

As the building industry moves toward the goal of building net-zero homes we begin to run into challenges these tighter houses present. We trap indoor air pollutants and prevent fresh, clean air from entering the home. Given ongoing Covid-19 concerns, homeowners are paying much closer attention to the health of their homes. Healthy homes have become a top priority for both existing and prospective homeowners. They are expecting clean air and so managing a home’s ventilation is now of paramount importance to builders.

Broan-NuTone® is the leader in whole-house ventilation, bath fans, range hoods, and specialized ventilation products, all designed to provide clean, healthy indoor air.

We believe that every indoor breath should be as clean as an outside breath. Every day, we breathe 25,000 times. And we breathe the most where we live. As a result, Broan-NuTone designs residential air systems that eliminate pollutants, control moisture, and maximize temperature.

After 90 years in business, Broan-Nutone remains committed to improving indoor air quality to provide a better life for all.

Visit our site or follow us on social media to learn more about our products.

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