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Home Steve Baczek
Steve Baczek is a registered architect with over 30 years of construction industry experience. As a sole practitioner, he typically works with clients on select custom residential projects. Utilizing his strong Building Science background, he strives to integrate sound design practices with good construction practices to provide exceptional design solutions to their design problems. His residential work includes over 50 Leed Platinum Homes, and numerous Zero Energy Homes, and Certified Passive Homes. Steve also does extensive work giving older, existing homes a second chance at success. Many of these renovation projects are also designed to be Zero Energy, Deep Energy Rerofits, as well as the first Certified Passive House Renovation in the U.S. under the “Enerphit” program.

Steve volunteers his time for the betterment of the building community as an Architecture Critic at a School of Architecture and on guest panels at building industry events.

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