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Home CJ Nielsen
CJ Nielsen is the founder of CNC Electric, based out of Northern California, in the heart of wine country. From a young age, it was obvious CJ had a passion for building and mechanics and followed his Dad around - always eager to work on anything from home projects to cars or anything that involved tools! High-School consisted of obsessing over building hot rods, and CJ spent every summer working at a body shop learning anything he could to be a craftsman. At the age of 17, CJ was offered an electrician apprenticeship by a friend's Dad who owns a successful electrical contracting business. That's when it clicked that CJ found his passion, and he never looked back. CJ enrolled in Independent Study during his senior year of high school, providing a jump start in his career a year before graduating. CJ spent the next 12 years working for several local electrical contractors performing a diverse array of work involving residential, commercial, and industrial. Honing skills and knowledge was important, and in 2016 CJ founded CNC Electric. CNC Electric has since built a reputation for performing extremely high-quality work on high-end and luxury custom-built residential homes. CNC Electric enjoys the challenge of custom homes where it takes a true team of like-minded craftsmen to complete projects that are truly unique in every way.

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