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Home UnBuild It Ep. 99: Site Hydrology? Steve puts on his hydrologic engineer hat; Jake & Pete add their thinking caps...
You know the boys get weepy over water pretty easily, but Steve's focus on starting with the site drives this podcast. The site is the context for the building, and broadening to site water management can really take the load off of building assembly water management. This podcast is all about digging deeper into building (sorry, just could not resist…).

 Pete's Resource(s):

1. Pete has a series of YouTube video clips on building assessment, with the first 3 dealing with water: groundwater, site surface water, and building load. Take a look... here.

2. Superior Walls foundation system

3. Great Read: Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner

4. This resource is more about land development at the community level, but cool site water management techniques, regardless.

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