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Home Trex Elevations Steel Deck Framing IBS 2014
Matt Risinger conducts a short interview with Brian Lind, Trex Elevations® at the 2014 International Builders' Show (IBS) in Las Vegas. Here, they discuss the advantages of steel decking, including the ability to take advantage of the craftsmanship a fine deck delivers, but with longevity and consistency not offered by using raw lumber. Lind's invention uses light gauge steel with a galvanized coating and then a second, proprietary coating to enhance the beauty of the material. No matter what happens weather-wise, this composite is going to look the same, smooth and flat, for years to come. Trex Elevations offers an impressive 25 year warranty on this decking, but with a steel deck structure, it likely will last much longer than that. Check out the video to learn more about this sturdy, consistent decking material.

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