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Home Things to Think About When It Comes to Advanced Framing Headers

When it comes to advanced framing, builders are looking to reduce the amount of lumber used in a particular project. But there are still codes to follow and tricks to put in place to ensure the structure is supported in the correct areas. Jake Bruton takes us back to the Spring Valley house to show us four different windows with very different header situations. 

Why doesn't this 14-foot wide opening have a header? Wait, it does, but it's hidden!

Then, there's another window with a buried steel beam on top. Jake reminds us that it's critical to keep in mind order of operations when it comes to sheathing and insulation. For example, you must fill your cavity before sheathing.

Then he takes us up to the front windows. We see a pretty wide window without a header (it's under 7-feet-long), but then there's a small window with a header, why?

Because the code says it's more than 2 feet from the next horizontal surface, which means that a little 2-foot-wide window has a header but a 7-foot window doesn't. There are a ton of tips and tricks like this to consider when it comes to advanced framing, and plenty of code to follow, so stay tuned as we keep you posted. 

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