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Home Smart Design For Hot/Humid Climates - Architect Peter L Pfeiffer
FAIA Part 2 of 2,Whether the climate is heating up from manmade or natural reasons, there are several simple things that you can do to take an enormous load off of your air conditioning needs. In this video, Peter Pfeiffer, architect and building science expert, discusses how to design a home for today's hot/humid climate, no matter the state you live in.Pfeiffer shows why attic fans that put out more radiative heat than they take away, have gone the way of the Edsel. What does make a huge difference in the amount of air conditioning used in a home are such modifications as shading windows, which achieves a greater benefit than adding double pane "low E" glass. Using window awnings on existing homes or overhangs in new designs can cut air condition system sizing by as much as a third. Surprisingly this shading does not compromise the amount of daylight in the interior. Designing with light colored surfaces throughout the interior also goes far to do away with the use of unnatural lighting that impacts air conditioning consumption. Pfeiffer shows us to look at the interconnectivity within a home—allows us to see and treat the house as a system so that natural daylight is effectively used, common forms of artificial lighting are chosen, cooking ranges are selected and even the location of lighting, whereby lights are installed close to tasks, all collectively and significantly reduce tons of air conditioning use annually. Concentrating on energy conservation in simple ways in existing homes and in new designs, is the key to reining in air conditioning use and expense. That conservation results in smart designs that will help weather hot/humid climates, as well as account for a surprising return on investment going forward.

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