Do you remember the Sears and Roebuck kit houses? In the 1920s, a kit could be delivered by railroad car to the build site for a builder to assemble. Nearly 100 years later, you can design a custom house and the BMC Ready Frame Factory will deliver the framework for your builder to assemble.
In this video, Matt Risinger joins the Custom Residential Architects Network (CRAN) on a tour of the BMC factory in Austin, TX. The plant is huge with a ton of automation. For example, a machine can cut and label studs for every piece of the framework.Watch the full video to see the automation in action. The computers guide the humans to pull together the various aspects of framing. You'll see a complete package of framing that's ready to load onto a truck and head out onto the build site.With the labor crisis within the building market and a decline in skilled framers," could Ready Frame be the answer?