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Home Pre-Cut Framing Package - BMC Ready Frame overview

What is the big deal with Ready Frame? Matt Risinger explores this new product with a colleague at the BMC show in Las Vegas, NV. With a pre-cut framing package, everything comes pre-cut and packaged together; framing for your entire house could arrive at the build site in one truckload! Once it arrives, all you have to do is put it together like a puzzle. As you can see in this video, it takes one framer three minutes less than two framers to assemble one wall. If you can follow directions, you can use the pre-cut framing package to build a wall. It is actually as simple as that.Another bonus? The Ready Frame product cuts down on waste significantly. Fellow builder Luke Metzinger shares his experience using Ready Frame on one of his builds.How does it work? Check out the full video to learn how Ready Frame really comes together.

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