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Home Episode 139: BuildHer Executive Retreat and Navigating Growth in Construction

Matt and fellow Build Show Expert Allyson Anderson discuss the BuildHer Executive Retreat, a new initiative focused on the therapeutic benefits of networking for women in construction. They underscore the value of shared experiences and learning opportunities among builders.

They delve into the complexities of managing multiple construction projects, stressing the delicate balance between quality and business demands. Allyson shares her personal challenges, from handling intricate client relationships to streamlining project processes across various scales, from large builds to renovations.

The discussion expands to the trials of business expansion, including the constant employee queries and the allure of downsizing for manageability. Strategic planning and contingency preparation emerge as essential strategies. They emphasize clear project requirements, like architectural drawings, as crucial foundations for successful builds.

Scaling challenges in construction, such as managing employee influx and strategic hiring decisions, are also explored. Allyson underscores the importance of robust planning and adaptation amidst project size shifts. Both Matt and Allyson highlight networking and mentorship as critical for professional advancement, particularly for women in the industry, teasing upcoming events like Build Show LIVE and the 2025 BuildHer Executive Retreat as prime opportunities for growth and connection.


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