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Home Intus Windows Review (Passive House Standard) IBS 2014
We catch up with Matt Risinger on Day 3 of the International Builders Show (IBS) 2014 in this video. Risinger is at the Intus Windows booth, producer of some very high-performance window options and he shows us what makes them different in this quick video on the show floor. Intus offers three lines of windows vinyl, aluminum and wood. These have very high R values (R5-R8) even more efficient than the windows he's been using in his home building and home remodeling jobs. What makes them so great? For one thing, they're triple paned and offer various fillings to increase the tightness of the seal, including added insulation paired with wood on one model, and another with an additional three layers of weather stripping air sealing in between the wood, which will deliver a really tight air seal on closed doors or windows from this manufacturer. If you want a really airtight house, this is a product Risinger recommends.

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