IBS 2015 - Drainable Housewrap - TamlynWrap
Matt Risinger pops in from the 2015 IBS show at the Tamlyn booth, where Tamlyn is debuting a new house wrap product called TamlynWrap. This is a truly unique product that includes an integrated rainscreen—a 3-D mesh overtop of the housewrap that allows for drainage behind the siding. Risginer also talks about Tamlyn's double-sided, butyl-based seam tape called Extreme Seam, which helps increase air tightness. Lastly, he briefly covers their Proline Plank Flash product, which eliminates the need for caulking—they even have a gasketed version. Sharing best practices and being transparent is part of what makes Risinger Homes a trusted name in the homebuilding and home remondeling industry. Check out the video for more information or go to Tamlynwrap.com to learn more about their products.