We join Matt Risinger on the roof of a housing project he's in the midst of, where they've laid down a new product by Huber called the ZIP roofing system. This is comprised of 4x8 sheets, a half-inch thick, of strong, water-resistant board panels designed specifically for roof decking. The top membrane is designed to be water-resistant and is used with their tape system for the seams to be a complete, water-resistant roofing base. While this is supposedly designed to replace tar paper, Risinger uses it as a second layer, working in conjunction with tar paper for a really nice, dry roof. It's ideal when you finish framing but are waiting for roof installation, adding a layer to keep it dry so as soon as framers are done you aren't waiting for roofers to put on tar paper. At this particular house, they've laid down the ZIP roofing system and then will add foam insulation on top, then tar paper. Finally, the metal roof will be installed. For more information about Risinger's use of this system and about how the product looks and works, check out the video.