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Home How to meet NEW codes with OLD railings
In this fun, short video, we check in on the remodel job at the historic, West 10th Street home with Matt Risinger. Here, Risinger shows us how he and his team have solved one of the most common challenges in remodeling old homes—how to bring a project up to current codes and modern standards while still retaining its original beauty and historic nature. The West 10th Street house was built in 1880's and retaining the original character was important. The video features the home's beautiful, 2-sided, wrap-around porch. While the railings and pickets were largely retained, the old railing was too low for code. The architect added a top rail made from some vertical tubes of steel and topped with a welded fabricated steel rail to bring the height up to requirements. The edges were rounded to match the home's architecture and then painted to match the pickets, so you don't even really see the top rail. Working with an architect can bring these types of innovative solutions. Watch the video to check out the West 10th Street project's porch.

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