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Home Game-Changing Production Managers (And How To Hire Them)
Most builders screw up production manager hiring.

First, let’s clarify… Production Manager 🚫🟰 Project Manager; they are unique roles with different deliverables who lead and support your Project Managers. 

Beyond the necessary technical construction skills, there is a litany of softer leadership skills that are commonly overlooked; Mike & Coach Stav share their experience.

If you want to optimize your billable hours and set your project managers AND clients up for success… a Production Manager might be the key.

(for context, in Mike’s business, moving billable hours from ~88% to 95% is a $720,000 shift 😲 that Production Manager, Dale, was highly motivated to focus on)

To see a 5-min case study on Mike’s growth at Blue Water concepts, click here.

If you need a coach, like Dan Stav, in your corner to help you implement better systems and move your business toward your vision, book a call with Breakthrough Academy

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