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Home Florida Construction
There are several differences between the types of construction used in Florida and Texas. In this video, Matt Risinger, master builder visits a Florida construction site. From the ground up, the foundation is supported by concrete piles that stand on their own. In comparison, Risinger is used to steel piles in Texas construction. Discussion goes to how to know that there is compaction using the concrete piles that will support the structure. The house, once built, will not move over time.After the piles, there is a continuous pour of a beam of steel to support the block walls. The wall goes up to a tie beam and the process is repeated. In this build, there are holes in the block. The dilemma is that there are floods in the area and the house is built below the flood zone, so the holes are flood vents. If there is a flood, water can escape the building. On this project, living and recreational space is on the second floor, including a pool. The house will also have a dock. The cement block walls will not have a standard house wrap - instead a fluid system will be used for waterproofing. The inside of the home will be framed and drywalled. HVAC has to be planned for early. Conventional HVAC and mini-split units are used. Discussion continues centering on hip roofs, heat sources, tie-downs and more. Check out the video, it's full of quite different construction methods.

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