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Home Contractor Evolution: How A Visionary Found His Integrator
Our guest on the show this week is Brian Scudamore, the visionary behind 1-800-GOT-JUNK—the largest junk removal company in the world. 

Brian’s story is a fascinating one, but the part we zoom in on in this episode is how he found his Integrator and COO, Erik Church, and here is why…

Most of you are visionaries who will, at some point, need an integrator. 

Your brain is naturally tilted toward the future and teaming with bright (and some not-so-bright) ideas. As your business grows, it will become necessary to hand off the day-to-day execution of your business strategy to someone who is even better at it than you. A right-hand man/woman. A strong #2. The yin to your yang.

Why not learn from someone who has done precisely that to the tune of $500MM a year in sales?

Click the links below to learn how Scudamore became one of the most successful home service entrepreneurs in the world by hiring out his weaknesses and tripling down on his strengths.


To learn more about Breakthrough Academy, click here

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