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Home Contractor Evolution: 6 Revenue Driving Videos Every Contractor Needs
Marcus Sheridan is back! As if writing one of the most celebrated marketing books (They Ask, You Answer) of the last 10 years wasn’t enough, he’s co-authored a new book all about how to CRUSH IT with video content.

It’s called The Visual Sale. Kinda catchy 

Two out of every three adults already choose video as their primary information source, and one recent study showed that 96% of consumers look for videos about products and services before buying them.

So the question is… is your business geared for this? Because this is one mega trend you want to be on the right side of.

In today’s episode, you can expect to learn:
  • The exact word-for-word Chat GPT prompt to give you your first 50 video ideas.
  • The 6 core videos every modern contractor needs to have and why (and how to go make them.)
  • And, whether hiring an agency/freelancer or building out the capacity for video in-house is better.

Learn more about Breakthrough Academy here

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