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Home Closed Cell Foam Tips and Budget Suggestions
Going behind the scenes to this spray-foamed house with some tips and tricks for using closed cell spray foam. The door from the garage and the house is the thermal and air envelope. You'll see a lot of closed cell foam in the house. The garage is finished with drywall so that the interior wall could be covered in 2" of closed cell foam. Not only does this add a layer of insulation, but also it creates an airtight seal because you don't want the non-temperature controlled air of the garage seeping into the house. Spray foam insulation, both open and closed cell, replace traditional insulation. Each inch of closed cell foam is about R-7, so 2" is R-14, which meets code in Central Texas. Open cell foam has an R value of 3.5 per inch. In the video, you'll also get to see an attic space that's fully insulated. The HVAC units are within thermal envelope of the house, which adds to the efficiency of the home. Watch the full video to see even more uses of spray foam insulation.

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