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Home Episode 5: Coastal Windows (Installation and Key Differentiators)
In this episode of Building on an Island, Wade dives into coastal windows. Chatting with Andersen Window “Guru,” Don Hamel (Rhode Island Andersen Representative) he looks at the A-Series Line of windows. Some challenges faced on the island include: high salt spray, high winds, and rain in all different directions. Let’s not forget there’s the traditional design factor to consider when it comes to selecting these windows, as well as maintenance. Don discusses some benefits such as no corrosion (salt spray induced), which means you do not have to wash the salt spray off and therefore customers will enjoy years of high-maintenance-free windows. They’ll talk Fibrex, fiberglass, and performance. After a deep dive into window materials and benefits, we’ll join the two for an installation demonstration to watch exactly how to install these windows. And stay tuned for the end of the video where Matt joins Wade to talk about how this whole build is working on this island – from staff to food to sleeping quarters.

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