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Home UnBuild It Ep. 105: Q&A: 2024 #4 - Ventilation Systems & Liquid Sealants
1. What about whole house ventilation systems (balanced, exhaust only, supply only) and their impact on pressure balance in homes? And do ERVs/HRVs accommodate pressure imbalances created by things like exhaust fans, stack effect, etc.?

2. Per Steve: to butyl or not to butyl...For areas such as door sills, use butyl sealant or maybe acoustical sealant? We know how fond Steve is of Tremco acoustical sealant (a single-component, non-skinning non-hardening synthetic rubber sealant) so this topic gets the big guy on his horse...

Pete's Resource(s):
2. Pete's BuildingGreen blog series called "Sticky Business" (including a couple or so blogs on liquid sealants):

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