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Home Sugatsune's HES3D-E190 Concealed Hinge is a Game-Changer for Hidden Doors

The Build Show’s Matt Risinger doesn’t just love of Sugatsune's HES3D-E190 concealed hinge, he memorized the product number he uses it so often. Matt has relied on this concealed hinge since the early days of his career, particularly for hidden doors. He highlights the hinge's three-way adjustability, which allows for precise adjustments in side-to-side, up-and-down, and depth directions—essential for projects involving older homes that may shift over time.   

Matt also mentions the hinge's ease of use, allowing doors to be easily removed for maintenance, a feature not commonly found in concealed hinges. Plus, Sugatsune has a new stainless steel version of the hinge, which is suitable for outdoor applications. 

Sugatsune has high-quality products and excellent customer support. For example, the HES3D-E190 concealed hinge has been tested to withstand 300,000 actuations. 

Be sure to explore Sugatsune's catalog for more innovative hardware solutions. 

Learn more: 

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