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Home SITE BUILT SIPs Framing Explained
Join Matt Risinger and Wade Paquin as they explore innovative shingle-style construction techniques in historic Jamestown, Rhode Island. In this Build Show episode, Wade and project manager Joe unveil the use of SIPs (Structural Insulated Panels) in a stick-frame house, optimizing efficiency while maintaining structural integrity. Through the application of ZIP R insulation panels, the team ensures superior insulation and weather resistance, crucial for coastal dwellings. The video showcases meticulous trim work, including the integration of true exterior trim and lead-coated copper flashing, exemplifying the fusion of aesthetics and functionality. Wade and Joe elaborate on the importance of prep work, such as continuous blocking for fasteners, and strategic trim placement to achieve impeccable results. They also reveal techniques for achieving distinctive shingle flare details and emphasize the significance of proper priming and sealing for long-term durability. Witness the seamless integration of modern building techniques with timeless architectural styles in this insightful exploration.

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