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Home Project Management Secrets For Rapid Growth Contractors: $10M and Beyond

Your project managers make or break your contracting company…but so few know how to nail every project, every time.  

Jobs run late. Scope-creep sets in. 

And you bleed profits.

You had hoped your PM would keep your clients, crews, and subs happy. A reliable type who could steady the ship. 

Instead, they’re drowning in the hurricane of responsibilities that go with the job.

The thing is, effective project management is a crucial ingredient to your success and growth past $10MM. 

Even the most hard-working and skilled contractors eventually stagnate without it.

So how do you transform your PMs from glorified errand boys to forward-thinking team leaders so they can:

  • Successfully complete the most demanding projects—on time, 
  • Create higher than anticipated gross profit,
  • AND keep everyone happy…on every project (yes, it IS possible)

The solution for smart contractors is to stop blaming PMs — and start restructuring their project management systems.

On Nov. 7, you can go behind the scenes with Benji Carlson and Matt Risinger as they hand over their secrets to faster projects, happier customers, and fatter net profits.



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