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Home Episode 132: Building Community (and Clients) through Content
This week’s episode of The Build Show Podcast features a dynamic conversation between Matt and marketing expert David Meerman Scott, whose influence shaped Matt's career. Matt recalls learning invaluable marketing tips from David early on, which he implemented and launched what eventually became The Build Show. They discuss the importance of aligning marketing with consumer behavior, emphasizing the power of content creation.
David dives into the connection between neuroscience and fandom, highlighting how humans crave the safety and comfort of like-minded tribes; he illustrates the sense of community that comes with shared interests.
The conversation further explores the neuroscience behind building connections through video content, discussing concepts like tribalism, proximity, and mirror neurons. David explains how these factors deepen human bonds and make viewers feel immersed in what they watch.
Tune in for Matt and David’s advice for building a strong online presence and creating engaging content.
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