Episode 126: Insider Tips for High-Performance Home Construction
This week, Matt is joined by Chris Conway, a Virginia-based Veteran who found his post-service passion in making buildings better. Chris specializes in high-performance buildings, including multifamily and low-income sectors.
Delving deep into energy efficiency, Matt and Chris discuss ventilation, insulation, and dehumidification, offering invaluable insights for builders and homeowners alike. They explore key strategies such as monopoly framing and the “Perfect Wall", drawing from the expertise of industry leaders like Joe Lstiburek.
The discussion underscores the crucial role of local energy efficiency experts (Raters), who perform tests (such as a blower door test or using infrared cameras to pinpoint air leaks, etc.) to evaluate and verify energy efficiency. By collaborating closely with these specialists, builders can optimize their projects for maximum energy efficiency and comfort.
Don't miss out on this essential advice for creating high-performance homes that save money and reduce environmental impact.
- ResNet: https://www.resnet.us/
- Building Performance Institute (BPI): https://www.bpi.org/
Find Chris Conway on the web:
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thegreengobbler/
- Website: https://conwayenergyexperts.com/
Find Matt and The Build Show on the web:
- Build Show Videos: https://buildshownetwork.com/go/mattrisinger
- Instagram: @risingerbuild and @thebuildshow
- TikTok: @thebuildshow
- YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@buildshow
- Website: https://risingerbuild.com/ and https://buildshownetwork.com/