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Home NEW FRAMING Like You’ve Never Seen - Mass Ply Light House/Barn
Matt shows us this innovative framing technique you’ve never seen before! Mass Plywood Light framing on a ranch property outside Austin, Texas - basically a giant timber framed house.

Matt and Trent from Timber BLDR introduce the concept of Mass Ply Light framing, a method using LVL plywood specifically designed for the project. They explain the process of laying out wall sections on the ground, affixing panels to columns, and installing windows and flashing. Structural details, such as hold-downs and screws, are discussed, showcasing the engineering behind the project.

Check out our friends at Timber BLDR below:

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Huge thanks to our Show sponsors Builders FirstSource, Polyguard, Huber, Rockwool & Viewrail for helping to make these videos possible! These are all trusted companies that Matt has worked with for years and trusts their products in the homes he builds.  We would highly encourage you to check out their websites for more info.

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