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Home Insulating with ROCKWOOL - Air tight and Vapor Open
In this informative webinar sponsored by Rockwool, Ali and Daniel discuss the importance of airtightness in building construction. Ali emphasizes the benefits of making buildings airtight and breathable, especially with modern materials that are more sensitive to moisture. He highlights the impact on energy efficiency, occupant health, and overall building durability.
Daniel shares his experience retrofitting a 1977 house to Passive House standards, focusing on the thermal control layer and eliminating thermal bridging. He explains the process of adding exterior insulation, using Rockwool Comfortboard 80, and the challenges and solutions he encountered during the project.
Key points include the use of the Zip System sheathing and tape for air control, the importance of mechanical ventilation for air quality, and the consideration of climate zone and roof pitch when selecting insulation products. Daniel also praises Rockwool's support and expertise throughout the project, highlighting the value of collaboration between builders and manufacturers.
Overall, the webinar provides valuable insights into the practical application of building science principles, showcasing how thoughtful planning and product selection can lead to energy-efficient, durable, and healthy buildings.

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