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Home HVAC + D-Mechanical Rough-Ins

The Risinger Build has entered the mechanical phase of home construction, focusing on HVAC, plumbing, and dehumidification systems. Matt introduces the Rheia Duct, a UL-rated flexible duct designed for use within air-conditioned spaces, highlighting its ease of installation and its ability to optimize airflow. He emphasizes the importance of planning and coordination between trades to prevent mechanical collisions and ensure system efficiency.

Matt covers several key installations, including a Fantech exhaust system with a remote blower for noise reduction and a multi-vent setup in the master bathroom. The house also features a pre-release Carrier HVAC system that integrates mini-split technology and operates without heat strips, even in extreme weather conditions. This inverter-based system offers energy efficiency and flexibility, pairing with various air handlers.

Additionally, Matt explores dehumidification, showcasing two Santa Fe dehumidifiers—one paired with a heat pump water heater for added efficiency. He stresses the importance of filtration, using MERV-rated filters, and discusses the role of the LifeBreath recovery ventilator (ERV) in maintaining air quality and balancing humidity. Matt highlights the importance of digital tools for optimizing mechanical layouts.

The episode wraps up with a comparison between modern house ventilation systems and automotive systems, underscoring the critical role of proper ventilation in tightly built, high-performance homes.

Special thanks to Santa Fe, Fantech, Carrier, and Ecobee for their contributions, helping to make this home more comfortable and energy-efficient. Perfect for builders looking to enhance their mechanical installations with precision and efficiency.

Check out these links for more information:

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