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Home Crawl Space Water Proofing
Join Jake Bruton from Arrow Building in Columbia, Missouri, as he explores the intricacies of waterproofing a crawl space in an infill project. In this detailed walkthrough, Jake discusses the nuances of waterproofing, comparing crawl spaces to basements and sharing insights on managing risk.

Concrete's inherent properties make it susceptible to moisture, requiring specific waterproofing strategies. Jake discusses the use of foundation coatings and the importance of selecting the right products based on project needs and budget.

He delves into the use of a dimple mat as a pressure relief system, ensuring that even if concrete cracks, water is directed away from the foundation. Jake emphasizes the importance of considering factors like site slope and groundwater levels when determining the extent of waterproofing needed.

While the uphill side of the foundation requires extensive waterproofing due to water runoff, the downhill side can be managed with damp proofing, reflecting the site's natural drainage patterns.

Jake's comprehensive approach highlights the thought process and decision-making involved in effective waterproofing, offering valuable insights for builders and contractors alike.

Don't miss out on the Build It podcast, where industry experts discuss business, building science, and more. Follow Jake Bruton on Instagram for additional updates and insights

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