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Home 5 Tips for Building a Mold Free House

In this insightful episode, Matt Risinger teams up with envelope consulting expert Peter Yost to discuss the five crucial keys for building a mold-free house. Filmed on-site at a new wood-framed construction project, the video addresses common concerns about moisture, temperature, and building materials that can foster mold growth. Peter Yost, with his extensive experience from Building Science Corporation, shares practical strategies to manage and mitigate mold risks. This episode is packed with valuable tips for both builders and homeowners to ensure a healthier, mold-resistant living environment.


5 Keys to Building a Mold-Free House

  1. Manage moisture, not mold – Mold has been around a LOT longer than we have. We have learned to live with mold, not the other way around. Mold needs food, the right temperature, and water. The easiest and least expensive way to manage mold is to manage moisture.
  2. Design your home for your climate and site – Ocean-side in Miami Florida is a different set of environmental conditions than cliff-side in Boulder Colorado. Favor rather than fight your site and climate.
  3. Flash and seal – Focus on the most intense and most prevalent ways that building assemblies get wet—bulk water and air leakage. We flash to manage bulk water and we seal to manage air leaks (because air ALWAYS carries water as vapor wherever it goes...).
  4. Manage moisture INSIDE as well as OUTSIDE – There are typically 4 spaces inside your home that get wet—bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, and garages. These rooms need dedicated ventilation and/or dehumidification AND different kinds of building materials than other rooms in your home.
  5. Maintain your mold-free home – Your builder set you up for successful mold management. Honor that investment by servicing your moisture management systems: gutters downspouts, and splash-blocks; HVAC filters and exhaust fan grilles; battery replacement in hygrometers.

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