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Home 3 Tips From 3 Contractors
Join us as we venture into the rugged beauty of Grand Junction, Colorado, where the Build Show goes on the road to uncover cutting-edge building practices. First, we tour a local construction site with Josie from Maves Construction. Josie walks us through their insulation strategy, combining closed-cell spray foam and fiberglass for maximum R-value and airtightness. We also explore their use of LSL lumber for perfectly flat walls—a game-changer for cabinetry and tile installation. Next, we meet Darren from Synergy Builders, who showcases his approach to Advanced Framing, which optimizes material use and increases energy efficiency. Darren also shares how they create double-wall systems for plumbing on exterior walls, ensuring no freeze risk and maximizing insulation. Finally, we visit Matt from TreyTyn Homes, who shares their innovative attic insulation method using open-cell spray foam. We delve into the importance of air sealing, efficient ductwork placement, and the clever use of wafer-style LED lights to simplify ceiling layout. This episode is a must-watch for anyone looking to improve their building techniques with smart, energy-efficient details that don’t break the bank. Don’t forget to subscribe for more expert insights every Tuesday and Friday!

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