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Home What Should I Use

What Should I Use

Navigating the sea of product options to make the right decision for a project’s design, client, and long-term success can be overwhelming at best. Join high-performance builder Jake Bruton as he guides viewers through his approach to material selection for critical assemblies and systems. From exterior envelopes and foundations to mechanicals and interiors, Jake shares an in-depth review of essential decision-making factors for successful builds.

Join Jake as he demystifies residential code, industry standards, and building science principles to help inform product decisions throughout the home. Whether you're a seasoned contractor refining your methods or a homeowner curious about construction nuances, “What Should I Use?” breaks down complex concepts into practical, applicable insights for your next project.



Episode 1 - Windows

Episode 1

In this episode of What Should I Use, host Jake Bruton unpacks the complicated world of windows concerning health and safety when it comes the to the International Residential Code (IRC), the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC), and how he as a builder views window selection.

Episode 2 - Flooring: Subflooring

Episode 2

Build Show Expert Jake Bruton is back to answer “What Should I Use?” when it comes to floors & subfloors. He discusses the evaluation and selection of different floor framing methods.

Episode 3 - Envelopes: Water Barriers

Episode 3

In this episode of "What Should I Use?" hosted by Jake Burton, the focus is on understanding the concept of WRB, specifically the differences between water-resistant and weather-resistant barriers. Jake begins by exploring the varying definitions of WRB in the building industry, comparing code specifications with industry practices.

Episode 4 - Cladding: Siding

Episode 4

Join Jake Bruton of Aarow Building to understand what requirements are provided by the International Residential Code not only in fastening or anchorage, but also details in water management and ventilation to ensure the optimal long-term performance for siding applications.

Episode 5 - IAQ: Dehumidification

Episode 5

In this episode of "What Should I Use?", Jake Bruton gives a primer on what dehumidification systems do in residential homes. A critical component of Indoor Air Quality management, Jake explains the mechanical refrigeration process of a dehumidifier used to extract moisture from the indoor environment, and how it reduces the risk for mold. The episode also covers the importance of equipment sizing, ductwork, and understanding what the target relative humidity should be in your home. If dehumidification seems abstract, make sure to listen for Jake's explanation on its connection to building a tight enclosure that enables control over indoor environments.

Episode 6 - Roofing Assembly

Episode 6

In this episode of "What Should I Use?" hosted by Jake Bruton, we dive deep into roofing, exploring the intricacies of roofing codes, with a focus on metal roofs and the importance of durability.

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