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Home Build Show Build: Boston


Flooring & Tile Work

Episode 20

Episode 20

Steve shows the install process of the radiant heating floor system and walks through the install the different types of flooring on this project. 


Thank yo...

Plumbing Finish & Waterproofing

Episode 21

Episode 21

The main topic of this episode - water and what do we do with it! The Butech waterproofing process is coming to a close so tile can be laid in both bathrooms. Steve catches up with the owner of Petersen Services on how they went about this install p...

Wood Shop Tour, Casework & Exterior Updates

Episode 22

Episode 22

Casework and trim is where craftsmanship can really come alive. There are many different paths to great case/trimwork, but how do you decide what is right for your project? Follow the cabinetry from the wood shop to t...

Ventilation Finish & Commissioning

Episode 23

Episode 23

Proper ventilation system install and commissioning is vital to systems working properly. This episode of the Build Show Boston will discuss the specific details and educate people on how this Zehnder system should be installed and operate once func...

BSB BONUS - Homeowner Products Review

Episode 24


As the Boston home enters the last stages of construction, Steve and Scott walk through the house discuss the decisions they made on the project and why. With endless possibilities of products to chose the two gauge whether they think they met the goals ...

Final Walk-Through

Episode 25

Episode 25

Does it perform as good as it looks? Matt Risinger visits Steve to check out the finishing details on this project. They talk siding, HVAC, mechanicals rooms, shower pans and more. In this walk-through, Steve goes over some of his favorite details a...

BSB BONUS - Project Walkthrough


Steve catches up with Kevin and Jared from LDS Construction to walk through the project and progress they've made. They give insight to changes they made, how the integration of products has worked out, and the layout of the house.


BSB BONUS - Blower Door Test


Insulation is done and Sam from Retrotec is here to help Steve get a first update on the Boston project's blower door score. Learn all about the process of running a blower door test and input from Steve on why you need these numbers on your projects.&nb...

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