Let's talk about stucco - but not just any stucco—a variety that is insulated and ventilated on the outside of the house. Watch the video and head to a project site where Matt Risinger and Vanguard Studio are building a brand new house made of stone and stucco, along with a finishing coat from Lahabra. Here we'll get an inside look at the venting system Risinger is using for the outside walling of the house, and the comfort board surrounding the outside body of the house, making for great insulation. We'll also witness the excellent peel-and-stick house wrap keeping the walls airtight but vapor open. Watch the full video for a look at a traditional three-coat stucco install with a drainage plane, plus Rockwool exterior insulation. Risinger uses Rockwool's Comfortboard 2" thick R-8 rigid insulation panels.
We've included some links here for more information:
- https://www.rockwool.com/products/comfortboard-80/
- Dorken Delta-Vent SA https://www.dorken.com/en/ourproducts/products/commercial/delta-vent-sa.php
- Boral's Drain-N-Dry Lath with Delta-Dry Technology http://boralamerica.com/cultured-stone/boral-drain-n-dry