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Home Hardwood Floors over Concrete
If you're building a custom home or remodeling your house, Matt Risinger believes hardwood floors are the way to go. In this video, he offers a few tips for selecting and installing a hardwood floor in slab on grade conditions. This method is a little different from installing a standard wood floor over a standard wood sub-floor. When dealing with wider planks you'll need to take extra precautions to avoid cupping in the future. Risinger uses Bona Traffic Satin finish. Bona Traffic is designed specifically for the unique demands of heavy traffic commercial and residential hardwood floors. Its advanced formula provides the ultimate in durability, outperforming any finish in the industry - moisture cure, solvent-based, oil-modified or other waterborne finishes. The best part about this type of floor is that you don't need to re-sand it down the line when it needs a new touch. Watch the full video for more hardwood floor tips.

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