In this video, Matt Risinger visits a home building colleague who has a customer with chemical sensitivities, creating a unique challenge.
They look at the outside of the home. If you want a foam-free house, the exterior is where air sealing must happen. Commercial builders have done this for a while, and it's now making its way into residential construction.
They show us a combo of ZIPsystem sheathing and liquid flash for the exterior, with details as to application and products used to completely seal the exterior. When they go inside, the builder notes that many people think if you spray foam on the inside, you'll automatically have a sealed home, but that's not necessarily the case. With this higher focus on indoor air quality, this house construction is challenging, but results in a sealed home with possibly an even healthier indoor air quality.
Risinger and his colleague run through different products they use to do things like lower VOCs, limit magnetic frequencies, and limit glue in the home. Is this the way homes *should* be built, to be healthier for the occupants? Let us know what you think.
Mentioned and/or used in this video:
Zip 2.0 -
Zip 2.0 install tips -
Zip-R insulated sheathing -
Mineral-based interior paint -
MGO board used on this project for subfloor and roof decking
Siga Fentrim F tape used to air seal zip to slab outside
Matt's Keen work boots
Ultra-Aire 98H Dehumidifier -