Choosing Housewrap when using Exterior Rigid Foam
Working on renovating a 1930's home and appropriately dealing with the original siding is an interesting challenge. In this vide, Matt Risinger, master builder, walks us through an interesting siding project. The original longleaf pine siding from the 1930s has had all of the lead-based paint stripped down to bare wood, is now primed and ready for the new layers that will allow the house to last well into the future. Taking 1-inch exterior rigid foam and installing a rain screen system top of that will create a drainage point or an air gap behind the siding. Risinger is a big believer in the DuPont Tyvek system of weatherization. Behind the rigid foam, there is DuPont DrainWrap or StuccoWrap, that has a bit of crinkle to it. There is a half-inch of sheathing on the house and the foam goes directly on it. There's a little bit of a drainage plane and a gap behind that. Performing an experiment with red food dye into a water bottle, Risinger shows us how the drainage plane works. The one-inch rigid foam is a square edge material that is blended up really tight to DuPont DrainWrap with plywood behind it. Creating a gap with his fingers, there is an 8-ft. drop and Risinger places 8-10 oz. of water. In less than 10 seconds, the water has traveled 8 ft. and drains out as it should. When using rigid foam, make sure you use DuPont DrainWrap or commercial D or stucco wrap.