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Home Let's Look at This Custom Curved Screen Porch

Wade takes us back to his Newport Rhode Island custom build where weeks ago he was figuring out how to create a curved porch. Along the way, he faced some challenges. Should he use a straight screen panel or a custom curved panel? But then curving was a bit challenging, too. Which material should I use? Mesh? Bronze/copper? Both came with their own unique difficulties.

So he found some middle ground and now the sill is curved but the screen is straight. 

This design makes it very easy for the homeowner to swap out the screen for a storm by removing some pins (which wil be covered by some wood on the inside, leaving just painted mahogany and screen material visible).

He'll also install an infrared heater on the porch ceiling for a comfortable place to hang out when the weather changes.

While we're here, we'll look deeper at the cedar ceiling, which is sealed and clear coated on the backside as well.  Not the standard gable roof, transistiong to a curved roof.

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