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Home 3 Rainscreening Myths Shattered

Jake Bruton talks rainscreening, but he won't talk about the why behind this technique because we know by now that if you venitlate on the backside. then things will dry. and things that dry last longer than things that don't. Instead he'll be shattering three myths about rainscreening that will simplify the process.

Myth #1: You need a really big or a really small space.

Jake Says: You don't need really big or small spaces. 1/4 to 3/8-inch behind your cladding is enough space to ventilate. 

Myth #2: You need a really fancy and expensive product, and many of them.

Jake Says: You don't have to use a fancy product. Many manufacturers make good products that you can rely on, and not all of those products are necessary. (Jake will give us some of his top picks and reccommendations, too.)

Myth #3: You need a bug screen. 

Jake Says: You don't have to have a bug screen at the top and the bottom. (Don't panic, Jake will explain.)

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